Continuing Education for Genealogists

Annually, both the Federation of Genealogy Societies (FGS) and the National Genealogy Society (NGS) hold conventions. Both are full of excellent classes and workshops. Also, the Association of Profession Genealogists (APG) holds a Roundtable or Conference before these national conferences.


   Home Study Course also available on CD

   The APG list is also essential:

National Institute on Genealogical Research:
   An-depth look at federal records of genealogical value located primarily in Washington, D.C.

Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy:

Samford Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research, Samford Univ., Birmingham AL:

UWExtension offers a 9-month Certificate Program in Genealogy and Family History, weekly non-credit night classes in Seattle Washington:

National Institute for Genealogical Studies offers web-based courses. Certificates in American, Canadian, English, German, Irish and Scottish Records, General Methodology and Librarianship:

International Society for British Genealogy and Family History holds the week-long British Institute in SLC every October:

Heritage Genealogical College offers Certificates, Associate and Bachelor Degrees, with training for Genealogical and Historical Research, Writing Historical Biographies and Historical Fiction, Land Title Searches and Legal Missing Heirs Research and Medical Genetic Genealogical Research Coordination. Classes are available in SLC or online:

Brigham Young University (BYU) offer a BA in Family History, a Minor in Family History, a BA in General Studies with an emphasis of Family History, and a Certificate in Family History. BYU is in SLC, Utah, and some courses are available online:

Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, says,
Formal classes are fine, but EXPERIENCE in the records is the best teacher. Become the expert in the type of records you work with. Be the person others write to for information in that record group or geographic area....Write your reports BCG Standards Manual style, properly cited. Practice good form and it will become a habit so that when you reach for a client report in your drawer to include in your certification portfolio (or accreditation pedigree) you will know it is a true sample of your good work.

To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe. - Anatole France


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