Canadian Land Research

About the Western Land Description system (townships, ranges, and meridians):

Canadian Geographical Names:

At ArchiviaNet, search Western Land Grants (1870-1930):

Finding Aid: Prairie Land Records:

Map - Index to Townships in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta & British Columbia:

1905 CNR provincial maps (have meridian, range and township indicators to help find locations of properties)
Homestead Records
Saskatchewan Homestead Index - file locator database to the homestead files at the Saskatchewan Archives. 360,000 references, from 1872 to 1930:
Searchable database of CPR lands sold to settlers 1881-1906:

Need Help with finding a place in Saskatchewan?
Enter whatever you know - Section, Township, Range or Meridian, and place names & areas will come up for you! This will help with finding places in the 1901, 1906 and 1911 census of Canada. Scroll about half-way down:

$$$ Land Grant records:
   Grant Search - IE and Mozilla are the only supported browsers; Firefox is not.

Guide to using and understanding land registry office records:

David Rumsey Map Collection:

How much would that land be worth now? Inflation Calculator:

Finding and ordering Land Records from the LDS

1. Begin at
2. Click the Search tab, then Family History Library Catalog, then Place Search, or go directly:*,0,0
3. Type in the County name, and the Province name as "Part of" if you wish.
4. From the results, select "Land and Property" and click on that. Once you find the correct film, click Film Notes (gray button at the top of the page) for FHL film numbers. This is the number you need to fill out the order form at your local FHC. Pre-1876 deeds have been filmed by the LDS, also Deed Abstracts, and "Copybooks of Deeds."

If the FHL has not filmed the land records you need, independent researchers located in different parts of the province can be found at the Archives of Ontario site, or

Ontario Guide #205 - How to Use the Ontario Land Records Index available on the Archives of Ontario site: Click Customer Service and Research Guides. Guides are available in both HTML and PDF. Next, go to the interloan catalog to find the microfilms available for the original records you found referenced on the microfiche.

For originally-filed deeds and instruments ONLY, contact the county Land Registry Office (LRO) and request copies. Films of the originally-filed deeds are only available at the Land Registry Office. Provide all details of each deed: registration number, year of registration, name of township; and concession & lot numbers, and names of grantor and grantee, if you know them. Also, original land abstract books and many original land documents are held by historical organizations and are generally available to researchers in person or by mail. If the LRO will not respond, check with the Archives. Otherwise, consult the ONAPG for an on-site researcher.

Association for the Preservation of Ontario Land Registry Office Documents (APOLROD):

Provincial Archives of Canada:

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. - Robert Heinlein


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