
Lorraine GenWeb: http://www.francegenweb.org/lorraine/ (large page)

Modern France is divided into departéments (French administrative units, somewhat like US counties); Lorraine is Meurthe-et-Moselle [54], Meuse [55], Moselle [57] and Vosges [88]. Metz is the region’s capital. Moselle was joined to Alsace during 1871-1918 and called Elsass-Lothringen Reichsland (Alsace-Lorraine) by the German government. In 1940, Lorraine was conquered by the Germans. Lorraine reunited with France after the war, in 1945.

Communities of Lorraine A-Z: http://gmarchal.free.fr/Repertoire.htm

Archives départmentales Lorraine
Villages in Lorraine (including ancient names): http://perso.club-internet.fr/chartonf/lorcom.html
Also, if you know the village name, try Locom.org - Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, Moselle and Vosges.

Union des Cercles Généalogiques Lorrains: http://www.genlornet.org/

Cercle Genealogique de Moselle-Est (CGME): http://www.geneamosellest.org/

Moselle GenWeb: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/phs/MoselleGenWeb/

$$$ Marriages of Moselle: http://www.moselle-genealogie.net/quickcart/. It looks like there are many more resources on Moselle-Genealogie.net, but I don't read French. Thanks to Richard Van Wasshnova on the A-L list for this link.

From Robert Behra:
The Family History Library has recently acquired the following book:

Les mariages juifs en Moselle (1792-1892) : relevés effectués dans les tables décennales de l'état civil par Jean-Louis Calbat (Paris : Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 2001)

The compiler looked at the ten-year indexes for all communities in the present-day département de la Moselle with the following exceptions:

* Metz
* the period 1792-1802 for almost all of the communities in the arrondissement of Château-Salins and some of the communities in the arrondissement of Thionville

This book includes about 4900 marriages of couples presumed to have been Jewish (probably based on their names). All were taken from the tables décennales [ten-year indexes], without looking at the actual marriage records. This means that some of the information in this book may well be in error, due to inaccuracies in the TD or difficulty in deciphering the handwriting in the TD. Also, bear in mind that Jews in France weren't required to adopt stable surnames until 1808, so some of the earliest entries may be found here under a surname other than that the family used after 1808.
Thanks so much to Robert for alerting the readers of the Alsace-Lorraine list about this resource, and for allowing me to reprint it here.

Aerial view of Moselle & Meurthe-et-Moselle communes, town officials, number of inhabitants, & some information on current activities in the towns: http://cel.republicain-lorrain.fr/
   Put the name of the village in the 'Rechercher' box.

Eastern Moselle - Bitche area: http://membres.lycos.fr/cgbitche/

Book Viva America, by Marie-Jose Marchal. Emigrants from the département de la Moselle; FHL #1183690, item 18.

Vosges: http://www.chez.com/cghpc/

Recherche dans l'Etat-Civil du Bas-Rhin, de la Meuse et des Vosges by Françoise Huss-Gille: http://publications.geneactes.org/pagespersos/vosges.html

History of Lorraine: http://www.genealogienetz.de/reg/ELS-LOT/lor-hist.html, http://www.cr-lorraine.fr/english_version/histoire/histoire.asp

Overview of dialects spoken in Moselle (pdf): http://www.ruc.dk/isok/skriftserier/Mobility/Hughes/
Dialect Map: http://membres.lycos.fr/g00ffrr5/cartes/carttexte/carte.htm

Digitized books from the Bibliothéque nationale de France: http://www.bnf.fr/

* Dictionnaire topographique de l'ancien département de la Moselle : comprenant les noms de lieu anciens et modernes / réd. en 1868 par M. de Bouteiller,... ; publ. par ordre du ministre de l'Instruction publique ; et sous la dir. du Comité des travaux historiques: http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/CadresFenetre?O=NUMM-39301&M=pagination&Y=Image

* Dictionnaire topographique du département de la Meuse : comprenant le nom des lieu anciens et modernes / réd. sous les auspices de la Société philomatique de Verdun, par M. Félix Liénard,... ; publ. par ordre du ministre de l'Instruction publique ; et sous la dir. du Comité des travaux historiques: http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/CadresFenetre?O=NUMM-39299&M=pagination&Y=Image

* Historical journals dealing with northeastern France: http://www.bnf.fr/pages/catalog/perelec/CatHIST.html
(bottom of the page, section France : Histoire régionale)

Annales de la Société d'émulation du département des Vosges
Annales de l'Est
Annales de l'Est et du Nord
Bulletin de la Société philomatique vosgienne
Jahr-buch der Gesellschaft für lothringische Geschichte und Altertumskunde
Journal de la Société d'émulation du département des Vosges
Mémoires de la Société d'archéologie et d'histoire de la Moselle
Mémoires de la Société philomatique de Verdun

These are presented as pdf files, so you will need to have the Adobe Acrobat reader to read them. Free download: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
Thanks to Bob Behra for reporting this fine resource.

Besides the Alsace-Lorraine list, which covers both the Alsace and Lorraine, there is a list for the Lorraine alone: http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/intl/FRA/FRA-LORRAINE.html
and also a Message Board: http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec/board/rw/localities.weurope.france.lorraine
Also, in French only - Genealor: http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/genealor/

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. - Beverly Sills


Unknown said…
Very informative stuffs!
Thanx for sharing with us!
Stumbled you url cheers

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